Past Events/Meetings for Fintech Hub LT Members
Projektų Vadybos Akademija - Finansų sektoriui
Lietuvos Projektų Vadybos Asociacija organizuoja 2 dienų Projektų Vadybos Akademiją Finansų sektoriui. Akademijos metu bus gilinamasi į Finansų sektoriui būdingus ir aktualiausius projektų valdymo klausimus, nepaisant fakto, kad akademijos lektoriai yra didžiąja dalimi finansų sektoriaus ekspertai, dalyvauti gali visi norintys! Lektorių sąrašas ir trumpi aprašymai: Eglė Kontautaitė (LB Priežiūros tarnybos Pinigų plovimo prevencijos skyriaus vadovė), Rūta Merkevičiūtė (LB Elektroninių pinigų ir mokėjimo įstaigų Priežiūros skyriaus viršininkė), Vytautas Žirgutis (18 metų patirtį turintis valdant Projektus, Programas ir Portfelius profesionalas, dėstytojas, rizikų valdymo specialistas), Danil Michailovas (Sertifikuotas Scrum meistras, Agile praktikas, einantis “Agile Coach” pareigas didžiąjąme region banke) ir Saulius Šimkonis (20 metų patirties konsultavimo, mokymo ir praktikos projektų, program ir portfelių valdymo srityje. Projektų portfelio vadovas – Swedbank, dėsto ISM Universitete). Bilietai: Nuolaida: 20% asociacijos nariams su FINTECH2020 kodu Data: Vasario 11-12 d. ![]()
Singapore Fintech Festival - Global Hybrid Conference
Fintech Hub LT will be participating at Singapore Fintech Festival (SFF). Participation is sponsored by MITA. We will have our digital booth under National Pavilion as co-exhibitors. We have two tickets for the conference and will be able to explore Online Networking via SFF platform and present our Hub at the booth. If you are willing to be a part of it and be included in the marketing material, please contact [email protected]. Date: December 7-11, 2020 Register: [email protected]. The participation at the event would allow you: - present your company at Lithuania Pavilion at SFF virtual expo - network with 80K+ global attendees via chat or video calls - watch world-class content from all around the world created by 800 Speakers - explore the virtual expo Explore the event further. |
Wrap up of 2020: Fintech Scene in Lithuania
This year is a special one: we see the economy taking severe hits because of measures and fears of the Covid-19 outbreak. And still, there is considerable uncertainty on what 2021 will bring. Let's look back at solutions, partnerships, investments, and regulations and explore how they together shape financial services and innovation in 2020. What were the most important topics in 2020? What kind of challenges has the ecosystem faced? What were the pain points, and who built success stories to follow? And what are the key takeaways from 2020? Let's explore how various solutions, partnerships, investments, and regulations shaped FinTech in 2020, Join the ROCKIT event "Wrap Up of 2020: Fintech Year in Review" Date: 14th of December 16:00! Registration: here |
500 companies - Fintechs, Banks and Lenders in the LatAm region during LendIt LatAm conference (virtually) will gather to: Network; Learn through our conference agenda; Meet new customers/partners in the region. Attendees: Date: December 8-9, 2020 Register as:
ONLINE TRAINING by the Bank of Lithuania for PI/EMIs in October, 2020
1. Preparation for activities after acquiring a license 2. Requirements for Managers and other employees 3. Outsourcing to 3rd parties 4. Capital and clients' funds segregation requirements, audit and financial and activities reports to central bank ![]()
ONLINE DISCUSSION on blockchain and SupTech with Lithuanian FinTech industry by KTU University
Kaunas University of Technology as a partner of European Commission H2020 FinTech project invites Lithuanian Fintech community, market regulators, banks, companies and academia to join to online workshop, which is mainly focused on cryptocurrencies and blockchain systems. The online (via Zoom) event is designed to discuss blockchain challenges that arises in Lithuanian FinTech industry and present scientific solutions that could be standards in future SupTech. Date: November 26 - 27th, 2020 |
INVITATION to participate in India FinTech Gateway Program from by Mumbai FinTech Hub
The Mumbai FinTech Gateway is a virtual program aimed at supporting international FinTech companies interested in entering the Indian Market. The Program is aimed at providing the International FinTechs with the below benefits: Introductory B2B meetings with leading Financial Institutions; Opportunity to get enlisted as MFH API Sandbox partner; Expedited access to India Entry support services; Access to knowledge session on the Indian FinTech ecosystem (domain, regulatory, industry insights). More Info: |
INVITATION to European FinTech Pitch Session from FinTech Belgium
FinTech Belgium, the biggest community of FinTechers in Belgium is happy to inform you we are organising our annual Digital Finance Summit: the biggest FinTech conference in Belgium! European FinTech Pitch Session : on the big day, one of our stages will be a hybrid stage fully dedicated to EU FinTech pitches. It will be an opportunity for international FinTechs, RegTechs, InsurTechs and many more to share their innovative ideas, to boost their visibility on the European scene, to expand their network and maybe even catch the eye of European stakeholders! Date: November 24, 2020 |
SURVEY: Fintech Lithuania Report 2020 by Invest Lithuania
Every year, as part of the initiative to promote growth and cooperation in Lithuania's Fintech ecosystem, Invest Lithuania is preparing an annual Fintech Report. To be featured in the Report, please take a survey about your company here: The survey should not take more than 10-15 minutes. It would be extremely appreciated, if you completed the survey before 13th of November, 2020. |
ONLINE PRESENTATION of Changes in Financial Market Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania
Jekaterina Govina, Director of the Financial Market Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania, and other representatives will present the structural changes, operational priorities and highlights of the Service to financial market participants and answer questions. Date: November 13, 2020, 9:00 More information: |
ONLINE SEMINAR on ‘Best Practices for Financial Crime Screening in the Baltics’ by Accuity
This session will dive into the key steps that Non- Banking Financial Institutions can take to create a robust screening process, mitigate risks and reduce costs. Agenda:
INVITATION to Mentoring Session on Business Development in the Emerging Markets by EBRD and Rockit
Growth is tough. Power up your business strategy with EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) experts! If you are a fintech or innovation-driven startup and want to know about emerging and capital markets, take this opportunity to apply for mentoring sessions now and deep dive into the most actual topics for you during 1-1 meetings! Mentoring sessions will be focused on business development, emerging markets, regulations, capital markets investment and sustainable finances. You will have 30-minute personal discussion with one of our mentors: JACEK KUBAS, Associate Director at EBRD, London, Areas of expertise: Business Development, Regulations, International Relations, Capital Markets, Sustainability and etc. BRITTA BOCHERT, Associate Director at EBRD, London, Areas of expertise: Financial Institutions, Emerging Markets, Capital Market Investments, Networking and etc. Date: October 20, 2020 |
ONLINE CONFERENCE Anti-Money Laundering, Counter Terrorist Financing: from Challenges to Possibilities
Topics: Latest trends, tools and topics of AML/CTF: what could be improved and how the public and private sectors should join their forces in this particular field. Place: Online Date: October 1, 2020 More information: |
FintechHub LT webinaras tema ,,Elektroninių pinigų ir mokėjimo įstaigų pranešimai apie įtartinas operacijas ar sandorius FNTT“
Data ir laikas: 2020-09-28 Dalyviai: tik Fintech Hub LT nariai (iki 3 žmonių nuo 1 Fintech Hub LT nario) Agenda: 09.00 – Webinaro pradžia 09:05-10:15 – FNTT pareigūnų pranešimas 10.15-10.30 – Petrauka 10.30-12.00 – Diskusija ir Q&A: dalyvauja LB, FNTT ir Policijos departamento atstovai, moderuoja FintechHub LT atstovas Registruojantis suteikiama galimybė užduoti išankstinį klausimą. |
PUBLIC CONSULTATION on the interplay of the Second Payment Services Directive and the GDPR
Start Date: 22 July 2020 End Date: 16 September 2020 Public consultation reference: 06/2020 Status: OPEN FOR FEEDBACK More info: If any of the members would like to provide feedback to the Public Consultation on behalf of the association, let us know. |
INFORMATION on Financial Services in the European Union after United Kingdom leaves
Even if the European Union and the United Kingdom conclude a highly ambitious partnership covering all areas agreed in the Political Declaration by the end of 2020, the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU acquis, the internal market and the Customs Union, at the end of the transition period will inevitably create barriers to trade and cross-border exchanges that do not exist today. There will be broad and far-reaching consequences for public administrations, businesses and citizens as of 1 January 2021, regardless of the outcome of negotiations. These changes are unavoidable and stakeholders must make sure they are ready for them. More information: Banking and payment services Credit rating agencies Asset management Also available on the page: |
PROPOSAL to participate in the Mastercard’s Lighthouse Development Program
Mastercard Lighthouse - a partnership program that pairs the energy and innovation of fintechs with the network and distribution of established financial players. Program will take place as 3 workshops from September till November, 2020. Why participate:
More info: |
PROPOSAL for sponsorship in the report on Lithuania on the home page of, with 95M unique visitors per month: 1) Banner on the website; 2) Full page of Editorial content just on the company, along with a full page of branding, which hyperlinks to your website; 3) live on the home page of, 95 million visitors per month, your campaign will live for 2 years with hyperlinks; 4) 50 reprints of the extended digital version, to give to future partners. Full page package = 10,000 Euros Half page = 6,000 euros |
Qatar FinTech Hub - Take your FinTech idea to the next level and revolutionize the future of the financial services industry! Apply to be a part of our Wave 1 of Incubator and Accelerator programs.
Incubator Program - 12 Weeks Program For Early-Stage FinTechs Accelerator Program - 12 Weeks Program For Mature FinTechs Hackathon Program - FinTech Challenge Enthusiasts Registration Deadline: July 31, 2020 More information: |
Startup Wise Guys Fintech 4 Acceleration Program
Fourth Fintech acceleration program by Startup Wise Guys to start in October 2020 in Vilnius! If you have initial traction, MVP, a passionate team, and global vision - apply now! Registration Deadline: August 28, 2020 More information: |
Date: June 15-18, 2020
Place: Online Registration and Agenda: Apply for Virtual Expo: Apply for Fintech Awards 2020: |
Digital Finance Outreach - Lithuania
The Digital Finance Outreach 2020 (“DFO”) is a series of events organised in collaboration with Member States. Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania together with Bank of Lithuania, Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology, ROCKIT, European Commission Representation in Lithuania and DG FISMA invite Fintech enthusiasts to discuss digital innovation in the financial sector on 20 May 2020. Date: May 20, 2020 The public consultation is available here: Register now: Event is free of charge! |
Fintech Hub LT Annual General Meeting + Board Members Election
Place: ROCKIT Vilnius, Gynėjų g. 14, Vilnius, Lithuania Date: February 21, 2020 Participants: Fintech Hub LT members only Elected Board Members: |
Invest Lithuania and Rockit Vilnius have prepared the annual Fintech report – The Fintech Landscape in Lithuania 2019/2020
The 3rd edition of the report focuses on the insights from the Fintech ecosystem survey, done at the end of 2019, and provides an overview of what 2019 brought to the vibrant Lithuanian Fintech sector. Place: ROCKIT Vilnius, Gynėjų g. 14, Vilnius, Lithuania Date: February 14, 2020, 9:30 – 12:00 Registration and Agenda: |
Fintech Hub LT Members New Year's Party
The time to close 2019 and open 2020 has come! Come, meet others and enjoy! Place: A ta Sante, Ligoninės g. 7, Vilnius Date: January 4, 2020 Participants: Fintech Hub LT members only (each member is allowed to register 2 guests only) |
Impact Fintech’19 in Katowice, Poland
Date: December 4 - 5, 2019 Place: International Congress Center in Katowice, Poland Participants: 2000 professionals from banks, e-money institutions and Fintech organisations Price: Free for Startups/Fintechs Registration: More info: |
Date: November 27-28, 2019 Place: Litexpo, Vilnius, Lithuania Participants: 3000 professionals Fintech entuziasts More info: |
FinTech savaitės atidarymas: diskusija Lietuvos Respublikos Seime apie finansų technologijų (angl. FinTech) sektorių Lietuvoje
Place: Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas, Kazimiero Antanavičiaus salė, III r. Gedimino pr. 52, Vilnius, Lithuania Date: November 25 (Monday), 2019 Participants: Parliament members + Fintech companies, Bank of Lithuania, Financial Crime Investigation Service Registration Required: Agenda: 9:00 – 9:50 Registracija 10:00 –10:10 LR Seimo narys Mykolas Majauskas: Įžanginis žodis 10:10 – 10:20 LR Seimo narys Simonas Gentvilas: Įžanginis žodis 10:20 – 10:40 Titas Budrys, asociacija „Fintech Hub LT“: Kodėl FinTech įmonės renkasi Lietuvą? 10:40 – 11:00 Marius Jurgilas, Lietuvos banko valdybosnarys: Tvariai Fintech plėtrai užtikrinti: LB rizikų valdymo priemonių arsenalas 11:00 – 11:20 Mindaugas Petrauskas, Finansinių nusikaltimų tyrimo tarnybos Direktoriaus pavaduotojas: Rizikos, susijusios Fintech sektoriumi Lietuvoje 11:20 – 12:00 Diskusija: Kokias rizikas kelia „FinTech“ Lietuvai ir kaip jas suvaldyti? |
Slush Helsinki 2019 - World's Leading Startup & Entrepreneurial Event + Side Event "Discover Lithuania"
Date: November 21-22, 2019 Place: Helsinki, Finland Participants: 25,000 people, including 4,000 startups and 2,000 investors More info: Price: 20 % off for members of association for the ticket, possibility to participate in side event by Lithuania, grants from MITA Apply for grant from MITA (for up to 779 EUR): |
Singapore Fintech Festival 2019
Date: November 11-15, 2019 Place: Singapore Participants: close to 45 000 participants from almost 130 countries Price: Free participation for 3 members of the Association (0 tickets left) More info: |
How to Prepare for Future Challenges in the FinTech World?
Law firm COBALT kindly invites you to the FinTech conference held on October 30: How to Prepare for Future Challenges in the FinTech World? #FinTechConf. Place: Hilton Garden Inn Vilnius City Centre (Gediminas av. 44B) Date: October 30, 2019, 13:30-17:00 Participants: Open to everyone Registration Required: Participants: Bank of Lithuania, Fintech Hub LT, MoQ, Cobalt |
InsideOUT Partnership Program by Rockit Vilnius
It is a really good opportunity to present your start-up to the bank, get more insights about the particular area that you are interested in and ask questions that are not answered yet! Place: Various Date: November, 2019 - February, 2020 Participants: Top area managers from Swedbank Baltics, representatives from other Fintech Start-ups Registration Reguired: write an e-mail to [email protected] with indicated key areas of interest until 31st of October, 2019 |
ROCKITalks series on ‘FinTech and Bank Cooperation: Myths & Realities'
Rivals or partners? Friends or competitors? Banks and FinTechs have fought with each other in the past but now everybody agrees that both parties have to bring something valuable to the table. The panel discussion will focus on the joint projects that were successfully implemented, initiatives that never worked out and the reasons behind it. Place: ROCKIT Vilnius, Gynėjų g. 14, Vilnius, Lithuania Date: October 22, 2019 |
Fintech Hub LT Members Meeting with GovTech Challenge by the Bank of Lithuania Winners
Topics: GovTech, RegTech, automated reporting to the Bank of Lithuania Place: ROCKIT Vilnius, Gynėjų g. 14, Vilnius, Lithuania Date: October 23, 2019 Participants: Fintech Hub LT members + guests (every member is allowed to bring up to 5 employees or guests) Registration for a Meeting: |
FinTech Abu Dhabi 2019
FinTech Abu Dhabi - one of the world’s leading FinTech festivals, structured around the key tracks of Innovation, Investment Deal-Making, Creating a Belt and Road FinTech Hub, and Enterprise and Talent Development. Date: October 21 - 23, 2019 Place: Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, United Arab Emirates Participants: 5000 professionals from banks, e-money institutions and Fintech organisations Price: Free for members of the Association, Free booth in the International Pavillion More info: |
Payment Market Conference Riga 2019
The conference will address topics like Fintech, PSD2 directive and its impact on banking industry, global payment card fields and more. Date: October 24 - 25, 2019 Place: Riga, Latvia, Radisson Blu Latvija Participants: 250 professionals from banks, e-money institutions and Fintech organisations Price: Free for members of the Association More info: |
Fintech Smart Village hosted by Forum Banca
As the only event in Italy, Fintech Smart Village has established itself as the Business Ecosystem for the Fintech world in which Banks, FinTech, VC/Accelerators and Tech Companies present, discuss and share new innovation strategies. Date: October 1, 2019 Place: Milano Congress Centre, Italy Price: Free participation for 3 members of the Association More info: |
LendIt Fintech Europe 2019
Europe’s Leading Event in Financial Services Innovation Date: September 26-27, 2019 Place: Business Design Centre, London, the U.K. Participants: 1200+ attendees, 150 speakers, 50 countries Price: Possible free/discounted participation for the members of association More info: |
Greek Business Delegation visit to Lithuania and B2B meetings
"Enterprise Lithuania" together with „Enterprise Greece“, „Athens Chamber of Commerce“, „Hellenic Federation of Enterprises“ and „Greek Exporters Association“ are organizing Greek-Lithuania Business Forum, B2B meetings and visits to Lithuanian companies. Date: September 24-25, 2019 Place: Vilnius, Lithuania Participants: Registration Reguired: More info: |
AML Community meetup #1
Casual Professional event to kick-start building of AML community in Lithuania organized by Danske Bank. Place: Danske Bank DC Pier Building, Saltoniškių g. 7, Vilnius, Lithuania Date: September 18 (Wednesday), 2019, 18:00 - 19:300 Agenda: 18:00 - 19:00 Introductory talk followed by round table discussion 19:00 - 19:30 Visitor Talk by Bernardas Gailius, writer, political scientist, history enthusiast 19:30 - 20:00 Networking & Snacks |
GovTech Baltic Leaders
The very first event in the Baltic region uniting all GovTech thinkers, entrepreneurs, startups, NGO and public policy leaders. More information coming soon. Place: LITEXPO, Laisvės pr. 5, Vilnius Vilnius, Lithuania Date: September 16 (Monday), 2019 More Info: |
Training for Fintech Hub LT Members: Fraud Prevention in Financial Institutions
Place: ROCKIT Vilnius, Gynėjų g. 14, Vilnius, Lithuania Date: September 11, 2019 Participants: Fintech Hub LT and Rockit members only Lecturer: Netanel Kabala is the co founder and Chief Risk Officer of Simplex, a fraudless payment processor. Netanel specializes in creating complete and highly-automated risk suites. His main expertise include buyer fraud, seller risk (both credit and fraud) and compliance. Prior to Simplex, Netanel managed analytic teams in PayPal, dealing both with back-end automation and user-facing risk platforms. He holds a B.A. in Economics and Management, and an MBA, both from Tel-Aviv University. |
LBChain progress: midway to success by the Bank of Lithuania
Participants of the unique project run by the Bank of Lithuania will present three blockchhain platform prototypes where six FinTech companies have already tested their financial products. Place: ROCKIT Vilnius, Gynėjų g. 14, Vilnius, Lithuania Date: September 9 (Monday), 2019 More Info: |
Lithuanian Business Delegation visit to China - Guangzhou, Shenzhen, SAR Hong Kong
The Ministry of the Economy and Innovation, Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (MITA) and Embassy of Lithuania to the People's Republic of China are organizing government and business delegation visit to various cities in China. Members of Fintech Hub LT Association are invited to join the delegation. Place: Guangzhou, Shenzhen, SAR Hong Kong Participants: ~100 representatives of local businesses, government institutions and development agencies in each visited city. Date: September 1 - 7, 2019 |
Fintech Hub LT Members Meeting with FNTT (Financial Crime Investigation Service)
Topics: Anti-money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, Risks in Fintech sector in Lithuania Place: ROCKIT Vilnius, Gynėjų g. 14, Vilnius, Lithuania Date: August 27, 2019 Participants: Fintech Hub LT members + guests (every member is allowed to bring up to 5 employees or guests) Agenda: 16:30 Fintech sektoriaus Lietuvoje apžvalga by Titas Budrys, Fintech Hub LT (Language - LT) 17:15 Pinigų plovimo prevencija ir galimos grėsmės Fintech sektoriuje by Mindaugas Petrauskas/Kristina Grigaitė, FNTT (Language - LT) |
Invitation to Join National Mentorship Network by Enterprise Lithuania
National Mentorship Network is a virtual platform, where experienced businessmen share their experience and knowledge with startups. Date: Continuous Place: Lithuania More info: |
Canada Fintech Week
Canada FinTech Week (CFW) was created by the Digital Finance Institute as a way to bring together the entire FinTech ecosystem for a week of conferences, workshops, networking events, parties, meetups, exhibitions and much more. Date: August 12-15, 2019 Place: Toronto, Canada Participants: 3,000 participants, from around the world, and over 10 unique events Price: Possibly Free Tickets or Special Discounts and booths (MITA will be participating from Lithuania side) More info: |
Join Lighthouse Development Program by Mastercard and NFT Ventures
The Lighthouse Development Program (LDP) was launched by Mastercard & NFT Ventures to create valuable partnerships with promising startups. Each program takes place over the course of three workshops designed to build long-term partnerships. Date: Apply by August 12, 2019 here: Place: Riga, Stockholm, Helsinki More info: |
GovTech Workshop Day
Pilot Challenge Series presentations by Government institutions which will present their plans on GovTech initiative. Place: SEB Innovation Centre, Savanorių pr. 1, Vilnius, Lithuania Date: July 24 (Wednesday), 2019,9:00 - 12:00 More Info: Registration: Agenda: 09:00-09:10 Intro&agenda 09:10-09:50 Lietuvos Energija: Kaip automatizuotai patikrinti esamą ir sukelti naują inžinerinės infrastruktūros Lietuvoje informaciją? 09:50-10:30 Kaunas 2022: Kaip įgalinant naujausias technologijas įvertinti „Kaunas 2022 Europos kultūros sostinė“ įtaką miestui? 10:30- 10:50 Kavos petrauka 10:50- 11:30 Lietuvos Bankas: Koks technologinis sprendimas leistų Lietuvos bankui automatiškai gauti priežiūrai reikalingus duomenis iš rinkos dalyvių? 11:30- 12:00 GovTech Lab: Kaip dalyvauti iššūkių serijoje? |
All Fintech Hub LT Members Meeting
Topics: centroLINK, Proxy Service, PSD2, Strong Customer Authentification Place: ROCKIT Vilnius, Gynėjų g. 14, Vilnius, Lithuania Date: July 17 (Wednesday), 2019,16:00 - 18:00 Participants: Fintech Hub LT members + guests (every member is allowed to bring up to 5 employees or guests) Registration: On-site before the event Agenda: 16:30 CentroLINK and Proxy Service by Asta Grigaitytė and Anna Pavlovska, Payments Department, Bank of Lithuania 17:00 Hardware Security Modules for PSD2 by Mindaugas Bliūdžius, CEO, Altacom 17:30 Open Banking Architecture Outside PSD2 Scope by Saulius Racevičius, CEO, ConnectPay 17:15 Fintech Hub LT updates and news by Titas Budrys, Chairman of Association Fintech Hub LT |
19th Annual New York Venture Summit
This exclusive venture summit will feature more than 150 VCs as speakers and judges; presentations by more than 100 Top Innovators and high-level networking opportunities. Date: July 9-10, 2019 Place: Convene, New York City, the U.S. Participants: 800 VCs, Corporate VCs, Angel Investors, Investment Bankers, industry executives and founders Price: Special discount with discount code " FINTECHHUBLTVIP", currently 10% off the “early bird” rates More info: |
GovTech Lab kick-off by GovTech Lab Lithuania, Create Lithuania, Ministry of Economy and Innovation
Date: July 3, 2019, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Place: SEB Inovacijų centras,1 Savanorių prospektas, 03116 Vilnius More Info: Please fill in the questionnaire by GovTech Lab Lithuania to help them understand the demand from our side: |
Official Relaunch of Rise Vilnius by Swedbank
Date: 1 July, 2019, 10:00 - 11:30 AM During the official ceremony, which starts at 10 AM, we will present our new brand which will be our banner for the lead forward. We are also happy to announce our new international partnerships, which will create new opportunities for Lithuanian start-ups while supporting Lithuania’s ambition to become a key center for European FinTechs. In the evening, at 6 PM we’ll continue our celebration with a rocking Relaunch party, which will take place on the top terrace of our office building. More Info: |
Copenhagen FinTech Week 2019
Date: June 17 - 20, 2019 Place: Copenhagen, Denmark Participants: More than 1000 participants anticipated No. of places available: Discounted price for 3 members of the Association More info: |
LendIt Fintech CEO Roundtable Dinner
Date: June 18, 2019, 19:00 to late Place: Vilnius Participants: 20 CEOs of Fintechs from Lithuania More: |
5th EU-Azerbaijan Business Forum
The Forum, funded by the European Union, is a unique platform of discussion on the business climate and investment opportunities on the ground. Date: June 12 - 13, 2019 Place: Baku, Azerbaijan, JW Marriott Absheron Hotel Baku Participants: Over 800 participants from EU and Azerbaijan More info: |
China-CEEC Investment and Trade Expo 2019
Lithuania has been named as an "Honorary Guest" in the China-CEEC Expo 2019 Date: June 8 - 12, 2019 Place: Ningbo, China, Ningbo International Convention and Exhibition Center Participants: 700-800 international standard booths, at least 3000 professional purchasers from China More info: |
Double Internship at FINTECH HUB LT and ECOVIS opportunity
Association Fintech Hub LT and law firm Ecovis Proventus Law are currently looking for Interns for the Summer of 2019 We expect the intern to help us with organizing the work of the Association, particularly, preparing the internal rules for accepting, reviewing and withdrawing membership at the association, working closely with our members, partners and other association, spreading the news about us, organizing our events, etc. We are open to different internship terms and agreements including 3 party internship agreements with universities, full-time and part-time internships, etc. Application Deadline: June 9, 2019 Please share with whoever may be interested! |
Amsterdam FinTech Week 2019
Possible to apply for a grant for 5-day Soft-Landing Mission to the Netherlands Date: June 3 - 7, 2019: Place: Amsterdam, the Netherlands Participants: FinTechs from the Netherlands and rest of Europe Price: possible to apply for a 5-day grant + free participation in the event More info: |
MITA - Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology
Date: May 28, 2019 Meeting Minutes: MITA has recently started "Fintech LT", which aims to encourage Fintech industry in Lithuania through various events and consulting of Fintech startups. In the period of 2 years they plan to organize and participate in 30 events (most important one is Fintech INN in November, 2019 in Vilnius) and consult around 100 Fintech startups. They have asked the association to contribute with speakers for the events (please share ides who could be invited to Fintech INN), attendees and possibly consulting. |
Startup Wise Guys
Date: May 23, 2019 Meeting Minutes: Startup Wise Guys is one of the biggest Venture Capital funds in Europe, accelerating startups since 2012. With already one major exit from their portfolio and overall startup survival rate of 77%, they have worked with 20 Fintechs already. After successfully completing first two Fintech focused accelerator programs in the Baltics, they have launched the third Fintech focused accelerator program being run from Vilnius, Lithuania. They are looking for Fintech, PropTech, RegTech, Cybersecurity, Blockchain and InsurTech startups and can accommodate the needs of early stage teams and also more mature teams. More info: Starup Wise Guys has also asked Fintech Hub LT to contribute with expertise in Fintech during their hackatons and screening of the new Fintech startups and ideas. The members of association will be invited to be guests and judges at their Fintech related events. |
Hungarian – Lithuanian Fintech Conference in Vilnius
Date: May 23, 2019 Participants: 5 Fintechs from Hungary + 35 Fintechs from Lithuania Agenda: 09:30 Registration, welcome coffee 10:00 Welcome speech by H.E. Gábor Diczházi, Ambassador of Hungary 10:05 Presentation by Rūta Merkevičiūtė, Bank of Lithuania - The Fintech Environment in Lithuania 10:25 Presentation by Asta Grigaitytė, Bank of Lithuania – Bank of Lithuania payment system CENTROlink and Proxy Lookup Service 10:45 Presentation by János Pereczes, Managing Director of MKB Fintechlab, Hungary - The Fintech Environment in Hungary 11:20 Presentation by Sándor Kiss, Barion co., Hungary 11:35 Presentation by Remco Veenenberg, W.UP Hungary 11:50 Presentation by Balázs Faluvégi, Blueopes, Hungary 13:00 – 15:00 B2B meetings |
Meeting with Go Vilnius
Date: May 21, 2019 Meeting minutes: Go Vilnius is official development agency of the City of Vilnius. They help businesses, talented professionals, international events organisers or a travellers looking to experience something new, to discover all the fresh opportunities that Vilnius has to offer. For the second year in a row Go Vilnius is offering a unique chance for foreign companies to send teams of up to 10 co-workers to set up shop in Lithuania’s capital for a free week long „Workation Vilnius“. In addition to working out of a sleek office space for a week, winners will get to experience all the city has to offer in terms of leisure fun, including a hot air balloon ride over Vilnius’ UNESCO-listed Old Town. Three teams will be selected and taken care of their return flights, accommodation and work space while they’re here. The registration is open until 30th June. |
All Members Meeting of Fintech Hub LT
Topics: EMI and PI supervision, PSD2, RegTech Date: May 21, 2019 Participants: Fintech Hub LT members + guests Agenda: 16:30 - 17:00 Presentation by Rūta Merkevičiūtė, Head of Division, E-money and Payment Institutions Supervision, Bank of Lithuania 17:00 – 17:15 Presentation by Šarūnas Grigas, Chief Economist at Market Infrastructure and Policy Division, Bank of Lithuania 17:15 - 17:30 Presentation by Ramūnas Baravykas, Advisor To Executive Director, Supervision Division, Bank of Lithuania |
All Members Meeting of Fintech Hub LT
Date: May 2 (Thursday), 2019 Participants: Fintech Hub LT members + guests Agenda: 18:30 - 19:00 Fintech Hub LT Status Update presented by Titas Budrys 19:00 - 19:30 Plans of Payments Council + WealthTech presented by Martynas Pilkis, Ministry of Finance 19:30 - 20:00 Networking (Food and Drinks will be provided) |
Meeting with Civitta regarding Horizon 2020 Fintech programs they run
Date: April 19, 2019 Meeting Minutes: Civitta is a leading consulting and research company in Central and Eastern Europe - supports organizations in growing business. They have won a Horizon 2020 EU grant for a few different projects for Fintech startups: They will organize short term exchanges for Fintech startups from Lithuania to Izreal, Germany, the Netherlands, New York and Silicon Valley, U.S. in autumn, 2019 and would like to encourage the association members to apply for the participation in the programs. You can already apply here: Soft-Landing Startup Lighthouse |
Meeting with Lewben Group on RegTech initiative
Date: April 17, 2019 Meeting Minutes: ComplianceWise is one of the biggest compliance software providers. They have modular software platform is called ComplianceWise 360, which includes Payments Engine + KYC +Fraud/Transaction monitoring systems. They are ready to offer their system (depending on the functionality) for 1/3 of the price for first 3 Fintech companies from Lithuania. If you are interested, let us know. |
Date: April 12, 2019 Meeting Minutes: ES Pro helps companies with applying for EU grants since 2007. Currently, there is the EU grant „TRAINING FOR EMPLOYEES OF FOREIGN INVESTORS“ available foreign investment companies in Lithuania to cover part of their employee training. The grant would cover half of trainee and trainers costs and is limited to 6000 EUR per employee. The fees acquired by ES Pro in helping with the application is covered by the grant itself, therefore, they services do not cost anything to the applicants. |
Meeting with Central Bank of Lithuania (Lietuvos bankas) on RegTech initiative
Topics: RegTech, Compliance, Reporting, Supervision Date: April 5, 2019 Place: Lietuvos bankas, Gedimino pr. 6, Vilnius Meeting Minutes: The Bank of Lithuania is investigating RegTech opportunities to lower the load of compliance for market participants, i.e. financial institutions. They would like to ask our association members for any feedback and ideas. There are 2 examples - Austria and Australia – where central banks have already diminished reporting needs to nearly zero by acquiring raw data (not necessary all data) with financial institutions. It is done automatically via APIs either through push (FIs give their data) or pull (CB takes all data) methods. Now the Bank of Lithuania is looking for a few volunteers to try to develop similar solution (we agreed that it would be easier to start with transaction data since it is usually within same format in all financial institutions, KYC data is a different story). This may require some IT resources dedicated from the volunteers, however, can yield high returns in the future if it actually works. Any other ideas and suggestions are also welcome. Thank you for your feedback and participation. |